The Girl With Blue Hair
For all your lovestruck-swooning, fucked-up rambling, colorful-hair-shedding needs, I bring you my blog (with blue hair).
Friday, March 25, 2011
These lips are sealed, you bitch.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Go fuck yourself.
I'm never going to be anybody's first choice.
It's cool.
I've come to terms with it.
There are worse things to be than second best (or next to last, even).
Don't undermine my mind and assume I'm unaware of this. I've known for quite some time and I've heard enough whispering, gotten enough looks, and been fucked over enough times to recognize that, hey: It's not them, it's me.
I'm intelligent but not enough to be considered an intelligent person. I'm pretty but certainly not enough to be considered a "stunning" girl. I'm good at some stuff but I guarantee most of my ex-lovers don't even know my major, or what my main instrument was for 9 years, and certainly not my goals. I'm sort of funny, but not memorably so. Weird, but not unforgettable. And definitely not sane enough for emotional consumption by the general public.
I am not a good memory in most lovers' books--more of a black mark than a gold star.
I am completely aware that I will be forever known as an accident, a mistake, a second choice, "that slutty girl I fucked," and/or "that cunt." Or, by many of you, as "my friend's whore/bitch of an ex-girlfriend." I am a novelty fuck and I'd be hard-pressed to recall the last time somebody I wanted to date actually wanted to date me rather than just fuck me for a while (and eventually give into the relationship). I'm always going to be known by the mistakes I've made and the embarrassments I've achieved; it doesn't matter if I became a fucking nun tomorrow, 90% of you who know me in real life have probably called me a whore at some point, whether it's to my face (rare) or not (quite common, from what I hear).
I'm not bitching and this is not a "poor me" post. I put myself here; my personality is like this and that's nobody's fault. My face is like this and that's nobody's fault either. I don't mind being unremarkable to most people as well as to myself, I guess. But trust me--it's unfortunate when you realize that even the people who supposedly love you the most will never find you to be, either. This was a bad week, and will get worse as of Saturday, so I think I will curl up with my fries and doughnuts and other things that will involve me eating my feelings and say goodnight.
I don't care if you think I'm whiney; you have probably thought worse things about me. And I can probably insult myself better than you can, so don't try and instead, go fuck yourself. Because after I finish eating my feelings, I'll probably do the same.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Raindrops keep meowing on my head
- Classes started again a few weeks ago. They've been intense but I like all of mine so far. I'm actually excited about most of them, for once.
- I've been on set four weekends in a row with three more to go. Night shoots multiple weekends. So sleepy. If I didn't have classes only on Tuesday (which consists of 5 classes from 10am to 10pm) and Thursday (4 classes from 10am to 6:45pm), I would be dying.
- Had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Meow meow. :)
- My mama visited last week! It was so lovely and really fun, and she met lots of my closest friends was just really, really nice to have her. Unfortunately, I was on set this weekend so I had such an abrupt goodbye on Friday, but I'm just so glad she was here.
- Cam just left for three weeks. I am a sad cat.
- I'm sick with a cold. Blech.
- I'm determined to lose weight. I gained so much back last semester after losing so much weight so wonderfully last summer (via running daily, exercising in lots of other ways, eating better, etc., I lost 13 pounds!). I need to do it again. It's so hard when I'm on set so much though and have class so many hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays because that means that 5 days a week, all I wanna do is sleep sleep sleep as soon as possible. But I will do it, goddamnit. I will! I'm 135 (again) and I want to go back to 122 by April or May...I gotta try and do it.
- I've been awake for nearly 24 hours and I need sleep so badly.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Repeatedly told you aint a fairy, you just a bitch
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas Eve and counting
I'm probably going to New York City for New Year's Eve, which is something I've never done. And I'm quite excited.
I think every occasion requires a playlist, but New Year's definitely needs a special one. It needs some older, beloved songs with lots of nostalgia attached to them plus some newer ones with more recent memories, fresher in the mind. Here is my (current) NYE playlist, unrefined so far with some necessary additions that I undoubtedly have forgotten, but ta-da:
- Apple Juice Kid/Louis Armstrong - Dreams
- Bassment Jaxx - Raindrops (Doorly Dubstep Remix)
- The Crystal Method ft. Emily Haines - Come Back Clean (ATLAS Remix)
- Sharam ft. Kid Cudi - She Came Along
- Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse ft. James Mercer - I Can Catch It
- Kid Cudi - Pursuit of Happiness (because of course that has to be on this list, c'mon...)
- Breakage ft. Zarif - Over
- The Archies - Sugar Sugar
- Calvin Harris - I'm Not Alone (deadmau5 remix)
- Laura Marling - Crawled Out of the Sea
- Beach House - Turtle Island and/or Take Care
Sunday, October 17, 2010
In the past 2 days...
- Eric came back to socal for one night. We went to dinner with Trevor, Nate, and Sarah. I left the next day and so did he.
- On a spur of the moment decision, I went to a little warehouse party with Rocco, Bruhners, Sun, and Mike + girls. Had a fun time but got a bit sick towards the end. Listened to excellent music on the way home, though, and that made everything so much better. Watched A Cross the Universe and then went home, passed out hard.
- Got lunch (well, Jamba Juice) with those fellahs then watched a bunch of music videos while listening to Romborama.
- Got a text from my dad saying that my grandfather had died.
- Talked to Mateo for a bit.
- Couldn't stop crying. Ended up driving over to the 70s House.
- Josie and Katie got me sunflowers, a bunch of Hershey Kisses, and wine. Josie made me a really lovely tray of bacon (in a heart shape), avocado slices, and Kisses (also in a heart). It was seriously so lovely. They listened and hugged me and were just so fantastic to have there.
Isn't it adorable?!
- We ended up drinking a bunch of Grey Goose once Bryan, Charlie, Dave, Jacob, Shervin, etc. came. A lots of wine. And played Jenga. And cheersing to my grandfather, which made me feel wonderful that they were so kind about it.
- Pascal made dinner and it was damn delicious.
- Bryan drove me home and, on the way, he got me a blue slushie (my absolute favorite edible thing besides avocado). Not gonna lie, at that point, I almost cried because I feel all sorts of lucky to have such lovely friends.
- I actually felt better, which I wasn't expecting (only because I generally don't feel better when I drink). Everybody was so supportive and just so sweet and caring...I am a lucky gal.
- I didn't eat for around 32 hours between Friday afternoon and late last night, and so when I drank I got really drunk and felt super ill. And now I'm hungover as fuck and don't have anybody to cuddle with.
- Also, considering how amazingly sunny and hot it is 99% of the time here, it's interesting that yesterday and today have been chilly and wet.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
There'll be times when my crimes will seem almost unforgivable
- For the costume wedding Eric and I are going to on the 23rd, I'm trying to convince him to be something with me buuut I doubt that's going to happen. So, I'll maybe be a blue haired Veronica Lake or Marilyn Monroe or Sophia Loren...something like that where I can dress up fancy and all that business.
- On my birthday, I think I will be a peacock. Blue lashes, feathers, lots of makeup, etc. And shimmery blue or matte turquoise tights with my crazy-tight green dress.
- For Hard Halloween, I'm going as the Black Swan persona from, duhrp, "The Black Swan" with Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. Really, my costume doesn't have anything to do with the story since the film's not even out yet, buuuut the makeup and hair will be totally inspired by it. I think I'm going to wear my high-waisted super tight American Apparel tap shorts with either a long-sleeved see-through lace shirt (the front isn't see-through, though, no worries) or a black lace tank with silver rhinestones and a lace pattern (done with makeup) on my chest. Aaaand some somewhat comfy, yet still quite tall, heels on top of a pair of either metallic black or silver tights. And maybe some gloves. Makeup will be super fun:
- On actual Halloween, I think I'll be the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Or maybe I'll do that for my birthday party. Meh, who knows. Lots of colors, a sideways hat, baggy crazy pants and jacket, crazy shoes. Fun!
- The Archies - Sugar Sugar
- Sugarplum Faeries - All I Want Is You (U2 cover)
- Shlomo - Spoons (Shigeto Mix)
- Teengirl Fantasy - Hollywood Hills
- The Crystal Method - Come Back Clean (ATLAS Remix)
- Caribou - Odessa
- Anticon - Pity Party People Interlude
- Leslie Feist - Lover's Spit
- Caspa - Victoria's Secret ft. D1
- Yours truly singing and playing "Misty"...I cannot even say how much I didn't want to put this on here buuut let's be vulnerable, shall we?
- LCD Soundsystem - New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down
- Emily Reo - Car (Built to Spill cover)
- The Beatles - Do You Want to Know a Secret?
- The Cure - Friday I'm In Love
- Mr. Oizo & Gaspard Auge - Rubber (Flying Lotus Unprotected Sex Remix)
- Friendly Fires - Strangelove (Depeche Mode cover)
- Rusko - Forever
- Pink Floyd - Speak to Me - Breathe
- Cat Stevens - Wild World
- WHY? - Afterschool America