Some years ago, I would've asked for/bought clothes, etc. as birthdays gifts. But this year, since I started stretching my ears about a year ago now and am a mere-- well, I say "mere" though it'll take at least four more months...-- 3mm until I reach my goal size of 5/8" (I started at 4ga, I didn't just go insanely fast from 18ga to 1/2" which I'm at now). So, my mom is a super wonderful nice person and gave me a bit of money as a birthday present and told me to get myself some beautiful ones. I also have been working on sets (and have two more lined up for the next three weeks, mreow), so I made some money last weekend and decided to buy myself a few birthday presents. I got some WONDERFUL plugs and rings:
None of these photos are my own; they're from each different person who's selling them to me. :)
I have been positively DROOLING about these for days and days, oh my god.
These are GORGEOUS and I'm already in love with them though I won't be able to wear them for quite a while. But they're SF and glass so as soon as I get to 5/8", I'll be able to wear them. Ughhhh, so excited.
I got these not only because I'm sure I'll want to wear earskins when I get to 5/8", but also so I can wear my final item...
I've wanted a pair of huge, obnoxiously large wooden rings for so long. I finally decided to get them and in 1/2" so that way I can wear them immediately. And someday, I'll wear them through earskins!
My ears are at 1/2" :) But I am so excited to really be acquiring the collection I want now for once I get to 5/8". So far, total, I believe I have/will have shortly:
- Three sets of wood plugs (solid bloodwood, wood with Ohm inlay, wooden plugs with heart cutouts in the middle)
- Three pairs of Kaos (white earskins, mismatched earskins, baby blue eyelets)
- Two pairs of sf glass colorfronts (amber and sky blue)
- Two pairs of dichro (the ones up there-- pixy stix dichro + lavender opal dichro)
- Sf steel eyelets and DF steel eyelets with lightning bolts
- Ebony shields
- Five pairs of acrylic glitter plugs for funsies
- Two pairs of opalite (tunnels and solids)
- Two pairs of stone (orange adventurine I thiiiink and rose quartz)
- Various other jewelry in various other sizes