I am physically better but I feel emotionally self-crippling lately. I've had super high anxiety, but I guess that's nothing new. I've been listening to so much Why?, MGMT, Hymie's Basement, and Interpol. It's fueled it, maybe.
I got better Friday, and David & I were supposed to go to this big music "conference" party at Dillon's house (The Tiny House). He ended up getting what I had and I went with Regina and her roommate to the party. I hung out with Heidi after Regina left and I met quite a few people. Tons of extremely attractive boys, a couple of really sweet girls (there was an overwhelmingly large population of boys in comparison to girls), a couple of not-so-sweet obnoxious girls, and one or two very belligerent boys. I didn't drink much because I wasn't really down, I just wanted to listen to the DJs and the bands and dance or talk. I had a really good time and went home with Zak, Marie, and Heidi. Heidi and I got to talk a lot and (I'm tentative to say this) I think I've finally found a few friends that are female here that I really like and will see on a regular basis.
Speaking of which, I'm moving in with Shevaun and Sierra! I'm so excited and it's just down the hall, so it'll be super easy. They're fantastic and heavy sleepers (so they won't wake up when I come in/stay up super late) and are really fun, so I'm really stoked.
I've been really busy despite having a great schedule (I have two classes every day except Monday when I have a 3 hour at night, a 50 minute class, and a 75 minute class). The Vagina Monologues have been really fun and we perform the weekend after this one. I'm donating blood tomorrow, there's a Sammy party at the Saloon this weekend, then comes Valentine's Day, then on the 18th David and I are going to a show that's on Dillon's birthday up in LA at the Roxy, and then comes V'Day.
It's a crazy few weeks but it's better than boredom.
MGMT, wheeeeee