I have so little motivation to do almost anything lately. I've been writing some poetry but much less than usual, and I haven't been happy with it. I've been eating less than usual because everything has this odd twinge of another taste to it; it's either a slight vomitlike flavor or a super bitter aftertaste. Unfun. But I suppose it's helping me "get healthier," not that I really give a damn if I'm lower than my current 8/10 size; I just want to be on a healthier track. Curves are curves and I've come to terms with mine. I think I damn near like them, nowadays. But I think I've lost probably three pounds. My pants keep getting looser so I suppose that's a sign.
I made Chris a mix that has Deerhoor and Wilco and other stuff. I wanted to include Metric, Red Sparowes, more Why?, Lemuria, Sigur Ros, Beatles, and some other stuff, but didn't have room. Damn you, mix CDs, with your teensy allotted space. I love putting songs in specific orders, though, so it is nice that it's not just hundreds of songs all clumped together on a disk drive just to be uploaded and scrambled in a nonspecific grouping.
Anyways, I was pretty ill two days ago. Fever and an inability to stop shaking. Alex came to drop off our Western book for class, saw me all sickly, opened the window, was sweet about stuff, etc. I feel better now but I'm still a little sleepy. I need to write a 4-page draft by tomorrow for Writing About Film about lighting and sound techniques used in Barton Fink. Not difficult, just tedious. I have a production meeting tonight for Campeater. I'm totally stoked. This coming weekend is the second one for Cameron's film , then comes Campeater, then I think I'm helping with Chris's woodland, weird, avant-garde (who knows) project that sounds rather fun, and then I think I'm free for two weeks followed by doing makeup for Wes' film. And Vinnie asked me to audition for his intermediate project to be a superhero! Fan-fucking-tastic, seriously; I'm really hoping that goes well (it's this Friday). I am so bad at acting on stages because it's very scary to know that you don't really get a second chance, though people notice problems far less from faraway. In film, you have to deal with being super close to your audience, but you still get a ton of chances to get it right.
Anyways, photos from the past few weeks:
2nd weekend of "The Time Traveler"
Nathan getting ready for his cameo with me in the plaid
Filming in the Mormon house
Niels displaying the proper way to say "cunt" in sign language
Actors getting down to business
Birdies at the Mormon house; they needed a bit of quieting
Heidi, Eric, and Jessica. Three of the reasons this set was super fun.
Heidi caught me outside
1st wrap party
Heidi, Marie, Jessica, and I
2nd sort of wrap party on the beach (I think it was near Newport but I could be wrong; it was at least near Crystal Cove)
Me, Heidi, & Regina
Zak, me, Ade
Me, Nathan, Greg, and Heidi
Regina's room
Chris and myself being washed in light
Regina being cute
Me doing Greg's makeup
Chris with Regina's headdress on. Check out the background.
Heidi and Regina, also being cute
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