Lately, I've found myself combing Craiglist. Not because I'm interested in responding (though, ladies, admit it: you've all wanted to GET LADE NOWW 4 CA$H 2NITE LOOK @ MAH D1CK!), but because I like making up stories about the people posting them. Like, there are some particularly interesting ones that are just...more depressing or funnier than others. There was one whose title was "Do you have pizza bagels?" and I clicked on it, thinking, "No, but I'm fucking starving and I might answer an ad about pizza bagels!" (again, kidding) ended up being an offer for a $200 blowjob. lolque?
WHOA, we just had an earthquake.
Anyways, so I make up these weird stories about these people and why the fuck they're posting for love on Craigslist. Sometimes I wonder (not about Craigslist; just in general) when the last time people I know cried. Chances are, I wasn't there, but I still constantly find myself wondering.
So, I got extremely faint Tuesday afternoon and nearly fell down while in my room. Figured it best to not actually fast and instead, semi-fast by cutting caloric intake by about 2/3rds. The past few days, I've been consuming approximately 500-600 a day, and I feel a bit better. I also went to the beach, ran around quite a bit (but not formally), and felt really good, and I've been taking really long walks using long routes. Fuck running, though; I legitimately can't stand doing it. Even when I ran 6:45/mi when I was 12-14, I still hated it. I like other sources of activity, but running just makes me miserable. Afterwards, I don't even feel all OMG ENDORPHINS! like you're supposed to. I just feel like sleeping and not moving for a few days. So, instead, I've been doing that other shit and doing the typical sit-ups, push-ups, etc. in my room. Perhaps it'll help. Who knows?
I'm starting to realize how badly I need to come up with a plan.
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