- Drink upwards of 4 forties numerous times starting at age 14 (even though he lied and said he was 2 years older for the next three years).
- Be in at least 4 punk bands.
- Wear a tutu in exchange for a fedora. And let me put him in makeup multiple times.
- Eat meat. Then became vegan for four years. Then started eating meat again like a month ago.
- Publicly pee on our ex-boyfriends' houses.
- Live with my douchiest ex in a collective house on Westcott, and in one night, hit on both of us (alcohol was involved, of course).
- Wear the tightest pants imaginable. EVER. And he fit into my size 1 pants from 9th grade.
- Hardly shower but still remain quite attractive.
- Stretch his septum to 0g (that is 8mm, mind you: half the size of my lobes) and then suddenly decide it wasn’t cool anymore.
- Argue about politics more times than I can count.
- Stop listening to Agnostic Front and start listening to post-rock and indie (wtf).
- Get a facial tattoo (four dots on his nose).
- Quit drinking cold turkey, go straight edge and get a damn straight edge tattoo. Right before I fucking turn 21.
A perfect example of typical Timothy: After Manda’s senior ball at her school that we went to with this kid Mike, she had a party at her house. Tim came over (and this is back when he still drank) and we were all hanging out with some other folks. Tim and Mike, who was joining the army and was a taaad bit racist, get into a massive argument about the war. 17-year-old Samantha (that is I, in 2007) decide to make them stfu by taking off my shirt and demanding they stop arguing. Mike stops arguing immediately. Tim keeps arguing. He has seen my b00bz before, it was apparently null and void and he continues to yell, “BUT SERIOUSLY, THAT’S NOT EVEN THEIR REAL MOTIVATIONS, MAN, LET’S DISCUSS THE OIL FACTOR…”
This is why we love Timmy. Now for photo-lulz in chronological order.
(Also, I was sort of a douchey mall goth when Tim and I met. Just a warning.)
The first time Timmy hung out at my house. He had been stealing a belt from a store
then he walked out of the store and his friend Arlen (who was meeting up with Manda that day
invited him to come because he knew Manda was bringing a friend (me). Tim came over to
Manda's, and I thought he fucking hated us. He came over later that night to my house, and
still thought he hated me. But Erica drove Arlen, Tim, and me to Syracuse to bring them home
and on the way back, Tim held my hand. It was friggin precious. We were dating within like 4 days, hahaha.
Manda and I maaaay have dressed Tim up a lot. But seriously: note the tight pants.
One of the first times we hung out since we broke up in 2005. I think this was taken in 2006.
I was obviously precious.

Uh, back when Tim still drank (2007). He was sitting next to aforementioned Mike (ball date to Manda and I)
at BVille Diner. He had had a bit to drink. I bought him a dish of fruit because he was still vegan.
He passed out in it.
At my grandparents house in January 2009 over winter break from Chapman.
From the time when Tim hitchhiked/train-hopped dto visit me in CA last year
with his buddy Alex. They even visited the smoker's table. ;D
Oh, and look at the fucking sky from last night:
Oh, and I kinda wanna dye my hair black again. I look like a boy.
Ryan and I circa late 2007/early 2008.
Still one of my all-time favorites of Manda.
Also, don't assume because I wrote some big ol' entry about the kid that I'm into him or something. We're just buds. I frequently go on raving about Manda, Ryan, Gina, Heidi, etc. as well. I have no idea why I'm announcing something that silly in my blog, but...whatever, cheers.
a)he is a babe.b)i love this entry, i lol'd a few times. c)black would look really good.