Something awesome: I'm going to learn how to blacksmith from my grandfather on my mother's side. He's been blacksmithing for years and years, as far back as I can remember and probably many years before I was born. Only recently did he stop doing it regularly, but he seemed happy when I asked if he'd teach me. He does this among a million other things that he does wonderfully, including drawing, pastels, carving, engineering, and on and on...he's such an awesome person and I'm really, really stoked that I'll get to see him more this summer (he lives in Manlius but now that I don't go to MPH anymore, I'm not there that often), as well as my grandmother who I'm going to sew with this summer. She and my mom (and my aunt) are amazing at sewing; a talent that I, unfortunately, did not inherit. I can hem and I'm good at designing color patterns. I blow balls at sewing, hands aren't steady enough. Anyways, these are my grandparents that I'm talking about:

June 2008

Aaand my parents. I really don't look like them, haha.
Also, I love this picture because it shows how ADD we all are.

My parents and I in July 2007.

This is in Jersey with my dad's side (this is only a fraction of
our family there). My grandparents are the two at the bottom :)

Mateo, my middle brother. He's 22 right now (20 in this picture, though).
He's at Buffalo right now and I think he's a senior this year.

Brian, my oldest brother. He's 24 now, he was 22 in this picture.
He lives out in Davis in northern CA, and is currently working on his masters/PhD.

My grandmother again. :)

My parents and I when I was in 5th (I think) grade for a band concert.
There's a flute in my right hand, haha. I used to be fucking weird looking.
Not saying I'm not now, but...check out my awkward eyebrows.
Try not to LOL too hard.
Anyways, that's my family. Or, at least, some of it.
lub you, always