I started blacksmithing yesterday! I went to my grandparents' house, pet/held Popeye (the one-eyed cat that lives next door) for a while, helped fix the lawnmower, and made dinner (vegetable and beef stew + peaches and cream for dessert). But before dinner, my grandfather showed me how to straighten metal on the anvil with the hammer, the rhythm, safety stuff, how to curve metal, etc. I pounded some iron into a curve and then straightened it a couple of times, and it was really fun; I'm super stoked to do it again soon. :D
Oh, and I have a fucking unhealed sprain in my wrist. I'm pretty sure it's from falling down the stairs a few weeks ago. I went to the doctor today for various reasons, that being one of them, and she said I have to buy a hard wrist splint to avoid unnecessarily bending it. :( Shit sucks. Ah well, at least it'll stop hurting!
Things I already have for moving in:
- Desk (thanks to Tommy's generosity)
- Bed (thanks to Nathan moving into a smaller place and not being able to own a queen size there)
- 10 photo frames from Christmas 2007 that I just...never filled; this will be super helpful for my decorating
- Full-length mirror (found next to David's car when he helped me move out of the dorms)
- Quilts + pillow cases
- My makeup toolbox, recently cleaned, reorganized, revamped
- Record player - I'm sick of owning vinyls and only being able to play them at other people's houses. Granted, we have a record player but it's heavily used and from the 60s/70s, and it definitely needs a new needle. Not to mention the fact that shipping that shit would be hard.
- Sheets
- Plug box (preferably wood; I need to line it with felt or velvet)
- Dishes/silverware
- Dresser
Things I have recently bought:
- 3 pairs of plugs from Steel Navel (close-ups in the entry below - picture of all the new plugs together)
- 2 pairs from GT: 7/16" df wooden hearts (!!!) and 7/16" trans purple Kaos eyelets
- H&M organic sweater; originally $30, sale for $5
- Three pairs of H&M lace unmentionables (I don't particularly like the word "panties"); originally $8 each, got them for $1/pair
- Victoria's Secret tote; originally $20, sale for $4.50
- Victoria's Secret eyelash curler; originally $16 on sale for $4
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