I love them because they're goddamned good. Emily Haines isn't some absurdly publicized "look at what I'm wearing, omg! I wonder what vibe my outfit gives off!" kind of lady, from what I've seen. They generally let their music speak for itself without tons of dramatics. I remember first hearing "Combat Baby" on my 15th birthday (2005, whoa) when Manda put it on a CD for me, and I've been hooked ever since. Metric doesn't get old for me, and most of the songs of Fantasies are really great, IMO. I prefer the previous albums, but that's because they hold a lot of memories for me. Bridget R. = Combat Baby (when Manda and I first spoke to her four years ago...well, long story, haha). The first time I hung out with David alone (March 14th, 2006, haha), we sang to Metric together. I listened to Love Is A Place through all the drives to Skaneateles with my mother in 2006. And so on and so forth.
Smile Smile and Sebastien Grainger opened. Smile Smile was cute, I s'pose, but really annoying after a while and nothing that can't be heard at some local venue of any town or city on any weekend. SG was better, but their set went on forever. Ugh. Anyways, Emily Haines is intimidatingly beautiful in how she moves, sings, stares, speaks...she does come off a bit like she's on drugs, but that doesn't mean she is, haha. She just has crazy energy, it's beautiful. Metric is one of the only bands I've seen that sounds pretty much identical to their records when they play live, the other being Ratatat. It was a fantastic show and one of my favorites ever, hands down.
Emily Haines!
This was during the encore during the lullaby version of "Live It Out."
Mohammad waking up yesterday:
Where the arrows point = where my next tattoo will be.
ALSO, I went strawberry picking on Tuesday with Manda and Ryan. Delicious.
In other news, we got back from NYC yesterday. I was going to hang out with Ry later last night but I felt like shit and just...slept, did stuff for TR, etc. Heidi and I are getting our Nocturnal Wonderland tickets as soon as we get to CA and move into Glad. Tickets are currently only $35...lolwut?! Stoked.
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