Speaking of Jersey, I went this past weekend. I won over $100 playing poker and am contributing part of that money to the scarification piece I'll be getting this Friday @ Scarab. I'm SO fucking excited, seriously. It's going to be an old fashioned quill across my left rib area (about 6" long and slightly tilted, tip downwards towards my bellybutton). This'll be my first scarification piece and therefore, EXTRA exciting! :)
The result of 2 full houses and a few minor wins. My life is G.
Me bluffing the shit out of my dad as he folds his King + something higher than my lame 6. :P
My competitors; i.e. my cousin, brother, and dad. They don't quit while they're ahead, haha. Which I guess makes them more competitive than I but I needed the money, damnit. :(
Obviously, it was really fun to hang out with my grandparents, my cousins, and one of my cousin's two kids (Olivia: 2 1/2 and Tyler: ~8 months). One of my other cousins, Melissa, brought me to a party where I met a lot of her friends. She's almost 30 so they were mostly 27-30 year olds and I was, by far, the youngest haha. Apparently, this was either (1)not noticed or (2)deemed irrelevant, because at least two different males around 28 or so decided it was a good idea to attempt to "chat me up" or something along those lines. I'm not one to assume but when somebody starts pulling down the back of your shirt "to see your tattoos" and then rubs your shoulders, it's kind of blatant. Another very intoxicated fellow sat down next to me and started eyeing me like a piece of Canadian bacon. He started talking about his high school and how he graduated in 2000. I instantly pointed out that I "was in 5th grade and that time and barely remember!" This deterred him only slightly and then Melissa decided it was probably time to go, hahaha. Overall, it was really fun and I got to talk to other ones of her and her boyfriend's friends that were not creepy at all and were actually very nice people. :P
Olivia and I! By far, one of my favorite photos EVAR.

Mateo + Tyler!
My grandmother, my dad, myself, and Olivia (moving, haha). :P Four generations of Escobars in one photo!